Wednesday 2 January 2019

Gift Ideal For Gardening Beginners -Garden Tools Set

Bee On A Bottlebrush Flower
If you are wanting to buy a gift for a gardening beginner or are a new gardener yourself this 9 piece gardening tools set with a mat is a wonderful and very useful present. 

We all need a variety of good garden tools. We can have an established garden that needs ongoing care, or we may have just moved into a newbuild garden with nothing in it, or have moved into an older property with its own garden that is well tended or neglected, packed full or empty. Which ever way there is a need to tend it well if we want it to look beautiful and be welcoming for nature, and wildlife. 

 It may be that your grown child has moved into a new home and they now need to do their own gardening or want to get into beautifying their outdoor space or develop an interest in attracting bees and butterflies to their new garden.

It could be a new hobby or interest for someone newly retired. Maybe you have a new found interest in nature, wildlife and gardening or know someone who does. 

Even if we only have a small garden or balcony these tools will be useful for use in pots and containers and even in a very small space we can still plant and garden for bees and butterflies and do our bit for nature.

 Scuddles Garden Tools Set - 9 Piece Heavy Duty Gardening tools With Storage Organizer, 

This gift will give them all the hand tools they need to get started. The pieces are Ergonomic Hand Digging Weeder, Rake, Shovel, Trowel, Sprayer, Gloves all with a mat and storage organiser.

 Scuddles gives a handy guide to what each tool is to be used for as well-from the page:-

"Transplanting Spade – Used for transplanting your smaller plants or flowers without damaging the roots.

Trowel – This is used for getting the dirt dug up and with the measurements on the trowel getting to the right depth for the plants you are working with.

Rake – The rake you can use for smoothing over the soil that you have just turned up or breaking up the larger clumps of dirt that you have in your garden.

Cultivator – The cultivator tool will be useful for breaking up the dirt and providing some much needed aeration to the soil in the lower levels.

Weeder Tool – The weeder tool will be useful for helping you in getting the weeds root system turned up and exposed to allow the weeds to die off from the garden.

Garden sprayer - Whether you need to spray a plant or water some soil we have included a unique water bottle sprayer for doing just that.

SOFT AND CUSHIONED KNEELER PAD - You can use this garden kneeler & seat as a sitting stool to do chores or flip it over to use as a kneeler to do your garden work"
Whether the garden is large or simply a balcony, these tools will be great to work in borders, troughs and pots and so suitable for large or small gardens, flower and vegetable gardening. 

So especially if you are looking for a gift for a new gardener, a Birthday, Housewarming or other occasion this Scuddles Garden Tools Set - 9 Piece Heavy Duty Gardening tools With Storage Organizer would be a very welcome and useful gift. 

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